Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Abide in Him

This morning after reading in "The Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, it led me to read John chapters 14-16. I've heard Jesus' words so many times that I go on at times and not look back at them for awhile, as if I learned everything I could from it. But while I was reading it I had a new reaction to it, a feeling of great hope, love, and peace. I am so happy to know I have the councilor inside of me at all times, and yet it also make me sad that He is inside me at all times, because I realize if He is there always then he was there during all the horrible fights with my mother, during all the times I hurt a friend, or a complete stranger, He was there when I had the chance to help someone and I chose to do something for myself instead...yes He is there when all of the amazing things happen, yet he has to stand and watch me do all the horrible things as well. This is why I wrote this poem.

Wretched I am, Relentless You are
By Dominique Miller

In horror you watch me take down a brother,
tear down my own house and dishonor my mother.
Grieving you've watched my selfish pride,
seeing me destroy, cheat and lie.
In disgust you've seen what I've done in the dark, and in the deepest corners of my mind.
You've seen the wounds I created and the strife I designed. 
Repulsed you've had to watch again and again.
As a dog returns to his vomit, so I do with my sin.
Now sitting amongst the waste of my life and the filthy rags of my good deeds,
realizing nothing beautiful to be seen.
Yet in surprise you take me by the hand, say "Get up, wash your face, and let's try that again"
Apart from you I can do nothing, with you I can do all things.
Wretched I am. But relentless you are.
The second to last closing line came from John 15:5, and this verse is as true as it can be. I can do absolutely nothing that God wants me to accomplish without Him, I am too sinful, too imperfect, too human to do works of an AWESOME God. I am just a mere shadow of God, a reflection, just an image. Shadows cannot grasp or hold on to things, they cannot speak, act the way they are supposed to without the physical body leading it. So unless I am in His presence I will accomplish absolutely nothing. I will not keep my mouth shut during fights because I want to justify myself, I will not take time out of my day to help others when I could be having fun doing something for myself, I will not keep working when I am being unappreciated, I will not give to people in need when I don't have enough for myself, I will not forgive those who wrong me even when they don't care and keep doing it...etc. Sure you may be able to get by with a selfless act or two without abiding in God daily but I can tell you that you will be burnt out and useless in no time. We as christians can last a LONG time on our leftover experiences of God, quiet times, and revelations. I know because I've done it, do it.
Without abiding in God we will speak and act according to our flesh, and sometimes our flesh can be tricky by giving us half truths, which by the way still equals a WHOLE lie, and we end up doing something that sure looked like the right thing to do, but actually is the opposite of what we are CALLED to do.
What is God calling you to do today that you are standing on the fence about?
Don't stand around! Look in His word, find what it says and OBEY it!
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit any longer, listen and know He is there to lead you. If you feed your spirit more than your flesh, then spirit will win every time!


  1. This is beautiful. Thanks, sweet girl!

    1. Awww Thanks Katie! I MISS YOU!!!
      What is up with your life at the moment?
