Waiting doesn't mean you just sit around and do nothing until opportunity knocks, waiting means adding new skills to your life, doing what God tells you in the present and being content while doing so.
A quote I have learned has truth in it is this....
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift which is why it is called the present.
If we focus so much on our future we are going to miss out on the opportunities we have in the present. Instead of just putting all our time and energy on what we will do someday, we should focus on living to the fullest with the time we have, which is this very second! Have you done everything to the best of your ability today? Given all you had? Loved to the fullest? Served until it cost you something? Smiled to the people you passed by today? Made a point to see how someone was doing? Prayed for a friend in need?
If we can't be faithful in the little things, why should God give us any more?
"He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much"
Luke 16:10
In Exodus 16:1-28;
The Lord test His people in there faithfulness to Him by giving them just a few simple instructions to follow day by day, He wanted to see if He could trust them with small instructions before He trusted them with major missions in the future,which was reaching the promise land. But alas they messed up what little they were given and ultimately lost their destiny in the future because of it.
We may not understand why God asks us to do what He does, sometimes it seems to contradict what you thought the Lord has just given you. Why would He want to take that away? Think of Abraham, God had just given him a son, a miracle, that he had been praying and believing for a quite a long time. Then all of a sudden God just asks Him to sacrifice what he loved the most, to give up his son on the altar!
Our job is not to question whether or not God knows what He is doing but to just be obedient and trust Him, rest in faith.
Looking back on where I've been during this season, I realize now that God has given and shown me many things that I needed to learn, discover, accept and know. Satan has tried many times to make me feel as if this life I live is pointless, that I have no value and no purpose in this world. If all those were true why should he even bother with me? the answer is ding ding ding....HE HAS EVERY REASON TO ATTACK ME! why? Because I am royalty, I have destiny, I have been redeemed, I am the Daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I was placed on this earth for a reason, God has plans for my life for good and not evil, I am MORE than a conquerer, I have the power of Christ inside me, I can do ALL things through Christ, I can move mountains, heal the sick, touch lives with God's love...if that doesn't put me on satan's hit list I don't know what does...I am of great worth in God's sight, I am not useless and nothing I do for the Lord is ever useless! (1 Corinthians 15:58) You can take that to the bank satan!
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. Isaiah 40:31