Friday, March 1, 2013


     Many times I've experienced moments where they have left me drained, sad, confused, upset, and frankly sometimes I do not know what is going on inside me, only that I'm hurting. It's times like these I am tempted to run to the people I love, and trust the most to hear what's going on in my life, to talk it out to them and share my heart; not realizing, that my heart is a jumbled pile of confusion, and when I pour it out on those I'm close to, they may not have much to say. If I am confused, of course they will be! 
     God revealed to me this morning something monumental to me, Hebrews 4:12-13. Now I have read this verse so many times, yet today something new was spoken to me about it. It says that....

For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than a double-edged sword. It PENETRATES even to DIVIDING SOUL and SPIRIT, joints and marrow; It JUDGES the THOUGHTS, and ATTITUDES of the heart. NOTHING in all creation is hidden from God's sight EVERYTHING is UNCOVERED and LAID BARE before Him to whom we must give account.

The word of God Penetrates right through us to reveal what is REALLY going on within out hearts...Jeremiah 17:9 says...

The heart is DECEITFUL above all things, and BEYOND CURE. WHO can understand it?

WHO? The word made into flesh himself! Jesus Christ! So when we find ourselves in those moments where we are not sure what is going on in our heart of hearts, (or even if you think you know exactly what is going on) GO TO CHRIST FIRST!

He will DIVIDE our soul/flesh (mind, will, and emotions) from our spirit (The spirit God breathed in us that longs to follow God, and be perfected) in order to JUDGE  our THOUGHTS, and ATTITUDE of our TRUE HEARTS! 

Coming before the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, our true hearts will be UNVEILED, and LAID BARE before Him, nothing will be hidden. Then, and ONLY then can we truly be impacted and changed, going through a transformation according to Romans 12:2

Do not CONFORM any longer to the patterns of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your mind. THEN you will be able to TEST and APPROVE what God's will is-His GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will.

There you have it! This ^ word wraps it all together, and gives you a mega awesome gift from God! DO NOT CONFORM!

Definition of CONFORM

transitive verb
: to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord <conform furrows to the slope of the land>
intransitive verb
: to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony —used with to or with conform
 with our plans>
a : to be obedient or compliant —usually used with to<conform to another's wishes>
b : to act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs conform

     Now you know the definition, DON'T DO IT! The patterns of this world DO NOT coincide with GOD'S PERFECT DESIGN, it will NEVER reach it, can't even come close. So go through the process of RENEWING your mind through the WORD of God, face the double-edged sword of Christ, and divide up the sinful nature, and our spirit. THEN, and ONLY then will we be able to TEST and APPROVE what the will of God REALLY is and not our deceitful hearts will!

      Lastly, at the end of verse 13 in Hebrews 4 we see the statement:

"To WHOM we must give account"

     Christ is expecting us to come before his throne, and unveil our inner hearts to Him. He doesn't want to hear what your pastor hears, what your friends hear, or the same thing you tell everyone else. He wants you to be LAID BARE no walls, no barriers, no facade, just the good creation He has made, and knows already, and longs to commune with!