Sunday, October 4, 2009

Greater Things have yet to Come...

Hey everyone! So it dawned on me that I have a blog and I have completely neglected it! So here is my update =)

God has really been working in my life and showing me AMAZING things! Lately I have been speaking a kids and fellow teenagers...the thing is....public speaking is one of my weak points! and all of a sudden that is all I seem to be doing haha! Afterwards I have had some people tell me I should do it more often....and I was thinking "PFT you kidding me? that was FRIGHTENING...I was shaking like a leaf out there..." and people will say I didn't see an ounce of fear....I thought..." that's amazing I was completely terrified...I was pretty sure I stuttered..." and people said that I spoke so clearly and what is going on here? Public speaking is difficult for me and I can't do it very well...but all these people are seeing differently I asked God, God I am too scared to speak father, I stutter....I say ummmmm about a million times....I completely lose thought sometimes....I have so many friends who have strong loud voices who are completely comfortable with speaking in front of crowds...why me?....then a verse came to mind....."But He said to me, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made PERFECT in weakness." therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, THEN I AM STRONG."
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
it's one of those moments where the verse just jumps off the page and hits you!!!!
WHOA!! *BOOM* what was that?....*knock* *knock* who's there? GOD
then another verse came to is also in 2's my favorite book in the Bible! =)
anywho here is it....
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness,"made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

A leader from a program called EXCEL that I went to...told me this story....

She brought to our bible study 2 hideously patched up pot (that was once shattered) and a pot that was also shattered and put back together but not patched up.....she said we are all cracked pots (yes we laughed about this at first, but time to get serious)....all our weaknesses and flaws are the cracks in the pot....*holding up the patched pot* this person has tried to cover those weaknesses and no one can ever see them...or find out that it is not perfect....but God *pulls out a candle* is a light that lives inside us....*puts candle in the pot* and if we cover all the cracks God's light and glory cannot shine through....sure we covered up our weaknesses but we have covered up God's AWESOME power in us!...*pulls out cracked pot* we need to not cover our weakness and let God's power be perfected in us...*puts candle in*....and as i watched the beams shine through the pot I suddenly got excited about all my Paul I started to delight in them and I couldn't wait to see how God would shine through me!!! Even though that cracked pot was not perfect, the light shining through it made it BEAUTIFUL!
I heard this 3 years ago and for awhile I had forgotten but God brought it back up in my life...because apparently I needed to hear it again HAHA =)


I just want to encourage all of you that all your weaknesses were instilled in you for a show God's strength, don't cover it up, let God's light shine through your cracks and flaws and His power will be perfected in you! =)

You may I can't seem to do anything right...I have all these flaws and in the world is God going to use me....I have nothing special...WRONG...God's light is and will shine through you and through you HIS GlORY AND POWER will be made PERFECT! YOU are going to do GREAT and MIGHTY things in God's HOLY and PRECIOUS NAME!!! Brace yourself.....GREATER THINGS HAVE YET TO COME!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl... I needed that reminder... I had forgotten those two pots. God is faithful to shine!!!!
